Erlang Term Storage (ETS)

Erlang Term Storage, more commonly referred to as ETS, is a powerful in-memory data store for Erlang and Elixir. It offers a robust solution, capable of storing large amounts of data with constant access time, O(1). ETS is a central component of Erlang/OTP. As such, it has a long history of providing a performant and reliable solution.


It provides a robust built-in solution for storing, editing, and retrieving data.

Performance. A big portion of ETS is written in C, as part of the Erlang runtime system.


The :ets module provides an interface to the ETS.

ETS Types

Set Ordered Set Bag Duplicate Bag
Duplicate keys? N N Y Y
Duplicate key/value? N N N Y
Ordered? N Y N N

ETS Access

Advanced lookups

Disk-based ETS

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