The Elixir & Phoenix Web Stack

Develop powerful web applications that are performant, resilient, and scalable

This book is a work in progress . . .

Elixir is a modern multi-purpose functional programming language, created by a the brilliant José Valim. It runs on top of the Erlang virtual machine (BEAM). Erlang is the battle-tested language used to operate telecom systems all over the world for the past few decades. It has proven itself to be concurrent, fault-tolerant, and highly performant. Elixir harnesses the power of Erlang and mixes in a modern syntax with a powerful package manager (Hex) and tooling system (Mix). The results yield extremely performant applications that can be distributed and scaled in unparalleled ways.

Who is this book for

This is a comprehensive exploration of Elixir and functional programming. By the end of this book the reader will be able to confidently create and/or extend Elixir and Phoenix applications. Some previous familiarity with computer science is recommended but not required. The author makes no assumptions of the reader's previous knowledge.

Author and expected release

Author: Frederick John

Ongoing updates throughout: 2018

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